the Justin Brady Show

He’s YouTube fire and you can’t get his songs out of your head and his name is Scott Bradlee, creator of The Postmodern Jukebox. He explains how he got his start and what he did right to get viral content.

Other topics in this show: You sent in your work from home data about workload and responsibilities + what if we’re wrong on Covid-19? Can our leaders walk it back at this point or would they stay the course?



YOUR Feedback on Work From Home Routines

Here are the full survey results I posted on social and emailed to my list. This is a poll from only listeners and social media friends.

  1. Work from home status
    1. 66% of you are now working from home. This tracks closely with Gallup. (62%)
    2. Most of you want to work from home only 55% of the time.
    3. There was a sizeable group that preferred to work from home 100% of the time
    4. There were only a handful of respondents  0% work from work
    5. Overall, you slightly favored working from home. Around 50% of the time perhaps.
  2. Workload
    1. I have about the same amount of work = 46.15%
    2. I have more work = 30.77%
    3. I have less work = 23.08%
  3. Productivity
    1. My productivity has increased — I’ve completed more projects = 25.64%
    2. My productivity has not changed = 46.15%
    3. My productivity has decreased — I’ve completed fewer projects = 28.21%
  4. Budget
    1. My budget has been increased = 5.41%
    2. There has been no change in my budget = 59.46%
    3. My budget has been decreased = 27.03%
    4. My budget has been frozen or removed = 8.11%
  5. Boss communication
    1. My boss communicates more than before = 33.33%
    2. There has been no change = 46.15%
    3. My boss communicates less than before = 20.51%
  6. Have you used Covid-19 as an excuse to cancel internal or external projects you actually do have time for?
    1. A total of 2.5% answered YES
  7. How responsive have the following been
    1. Employees = Slightly more responsive
    2. Vendors = about the same
    3. Clients = about the same


Valuegraphics Management Data

Special thanks to David Allison, creator of Valugraphics for providing this information free for my listeners. Please visit his website >

  • Fact 1: Managers don’t care about belonging: mid-managers do not really care about belonging: they are far more focused on the specific network they worked hard to build over the years and the web of one-on-one relationships that fueled their career advancement.
  • Fact 2: Managers crave 3 things they are being deprived of right now: From a list of 56 possible core personal values, mid-managers place the most importance on financial security, personal growth, and personal responsibility. The margins between these values are so small it’s best to think of them altogether—a bit of a vegetable stew of values. In other words, being better every day, getting stuff done, and feeling financially secure are all equally important, and currently under threat.
  • Fact 3: Leaders aren’t being acknowledged: 86% said they don’t feel acknowledged. and hate feeling invisible and unseen. These are your star athletes, who have succeeded in the office environment by being the best at what they do and, importantly, by being seen doing it. They know how to speak up in the boardroom. They know how to get the high-fives and atta-boys. But now the playing field is gone, there’s no one watching from the stands, and there isn’t an obvious way for their game-changing run or pass to be noticed by the people who matter.


Scott Bradlee of Postmodern Jukebox

Scott Bradlee is the founder of Postmodern Jukebox and had a lot to share on how the concept came to be and his funny Nickelback experience.


If Our Covid-19 Data Is Wrong, Is It Too Late To Walk It Back?

At this point, we’ve gone to such extremes to fight Covid-19, but we did so with little to no data. Can we walk it back if new data shows we’re wrong? Sadly, I don’t think we can.


  • Here’s the article from The Washington Post about the infection rate being higher and the mortality rate lower.
  • Here’s a New York Times article saying something similar.
  • Here’s the article from Reason about a large number of those infected not reporting symptoms. This drives down the mortality rate as well.
  • Here’s the KSBW article that suggests the hypothesis Covid-19 has been in the USA as early as fall of 2019.
  • Here’s the American-led study out of Wuhan published on The American Thoracic Society website.
  • Here’s the 538 Article explaining why case counts are useless.
  • Here’s the TIME piece on the Sunk Cost Fallacy.
  • Here’s the article from Q13 Fox Seattle about the army hospital being completely dismantled 2 days after it was built without being used.


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